Saturday, May 21, 2011

Meaningful Bites of Life

Last year in September... *I know, I know. Late post is very late but I assure you it's still very much relevant.* So yeah. Last year in September I made an awesome order for an awesome friend. I, from the far away land of Penang, ordered cupcakes from all the way down in KL to be sent to my dearest friend, Cubbie.

And not any ordinary cupcakes. No siree.

Meaningful personalised cupcakes.

This was what I gave to the passionate bakers of passion bite.

Each cupcake design symbolises something special between Vin & Cub, two bestest friends. Our crazy love for all things Japan, her infatuation for Holmes, her talent in art and well, even the Arglye pattern means something to us. *grins*

And this was what was delivered!


I wish something like this was sent to me, too. *hint hint* *wink wink* HAHAHA. But let's not forget I get yummy and adorable gifts delivered to me too. So I'm good. I'm good. :D

The packaging is simple and nice, too. *click picture to enlarge* And that last photo further proves Cub's love for Holmes. LOL.

So how is this 8-month late post relevant to today's entry?



...and, and, and...
it will be delivered to another special someone of mine tomorrow!

I hope they turned out just as great. Yes yes, let's anticipate together. I promise I won't take another 8 months to let you know about tomorrow. :P Oh and if you must know, Cub said they tasted good too. My only complain? I don't get to actually see the real thing not to mention actually eat them lovelies. *pouts*

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