Monday, January 28, 2008

I am House-less

Yep. House-less. Not homeless. And yes I am thankful for that. But it's been two months of House deprived. -___- It's like I've been skipping my weekly dose of medicine. Hah... a pun! I get the whole "Writers on Strike" thingy. Heck, I write for a living and we got to fight for what we think we deserved. *shakes head* Why do writers go under appreciated? I guess people think writing is easy. Yea, writing is not that hard, writing good good stuff is a whole lot different though. Writing to pleased others, that even harder. And I'm rambling way out of topic now.

I want my sarcastic Doctor with sucky bedside manners back.


Okay... to be realistic by the time I get to watch the new episode...
two more days then or three? *sigh*

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Perfect 10 >> Auspicious 8

I didn't make it for the Perfect 10 last Wednesday. *sigh* So I thought I'll be lazy on my rare day off and aim for an Auspicious 8 this time instead. Lowering my standards. Cis cis. It's a crime I tell you.

Well, it didn't happen.

At 6.45am, early I tell you. Early.
My dad holler: "JO!!"

*in a sleepy yet slight shocked state* "Huh??"

"Got work anot?"

Woot?!? *blink blink* "NO!!"

Then I heard my mom's voice mumbling about me being on leave today. There goes my 8 continuous hours of sleep. It just didn't happen. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Aiming for the Perfect 10

It's been a looong time since I slept for a Perfect 10.

Tomorrow is a day off and I'm thinking of executing Operation Perfect 10. Let's see. If I go to bed in another hour's time, give take 12.30am then I have to sleep till 10.30am. Hmm...

The Obstacles:
1. Going to bed by 12.30am today.
2. Sleep all the way through for 10 hours.

Now, you will think that no.2 is not that hard. But you see I have an internal alarm clock. Tick tick tick. Regardless of what time I go to bed, it rings approximately after 6 hours. That's how I get up each morning. Simple mathematics. Gotta get up at 6.30am. Count backwards. I'll sleep before 12.30am. Anything earlier, lucky me... extra minutes. Anything later... boohoo.

So, that means I'll wake up around that time again tomorrow morning. Snooze my internal alarm and goes back to sleep. Now, remember when we snooze our alarm, it goes off again in another 5 minutes? *sigh* So does my internal alarm clock. Maybe not in 5 but it bounds to go off again. So reaching 10.30am is easier said than done.

But what's tougher is going to bed at 12.30am. How? How? I'm the perfectionist Virgo. -.-;; I want Perfect 10. Perfect 10.

Gosh I'm whiny tonight. Eww... I'm going to bed.

Good night world.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Uncle Ben Quote

You know the famous quote from Uncle Ben?


Well. Scratch that.


I say responsibility has nothing to do with power. It's more of a conscience thing. Blah. A trishaw rider carries "responsibility" as much as a bus driver, or even a pilot. Sure the bus carries more passengers, the plane is a costlier way to travel. Does that mean it's alright for the trishaw rider to make a bad turn and tumble over with his/her passenger? Oh dear. NO! That's just as bad. Not in the sense of the seriousness of damage but IT IS STILL DAMAGE!

I say don't look down upon what you do or what others do. YOU MATTER. Don't be fooled by the word responsibility. People tend to associate it with bad bad things. But responsibility is just as big in the play of success. Take pride in being responsible. Good or Bad. You should be glad you play a part in this world.

Hiyashi says:
"With every bit comes responsibility, however big, however small."

What say you, Uncle Ben?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Got myself a lovely toothy moment...

Aww...such a comforting sight.

Toothy Blue is the man.
Brushy Red is the woman.
Shining Yellow is lady.

And that's the thing about staying home with family. Sure mom is annoying with her constant nagging, sis is irritating for keep hogging the internet line, and dad... well he is the king of the house. ^^;; But at the end of the day, at least you'll not coming back to four walls, a computer and well, you.

I may live by my computer and the internet but I survive with family love. Okay okay. And I share my life with friends. No one gets left behind.

So there you go.

There's always someone there for you. Someone to care for you. Someone to nag you. Someone to annoy the hell out of you. But hey, it's the whole package.

One day. I might move out one day. Hmm... I probably will move out one day. But till that day comes, right now, at this moment, thank you for the everyday wonderful toothy moments like this.

ps: There's another member of the family, Sparkling Green but she was not available at the moment of the photoshoot. *snickers* But you are much loved.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


8.58pm. On the ferry. Finally. I sat there, completely lost interest towards anything. My surroundings. The time. It didn't matter. At that moment, the sudden spur, the sudden urge, the sudden crave hit me. Dark bitter chocolate. I seek for dark bitter chocolate. Bitter enough to leave that strong thick flavour in my mouth, that aroma in my nose. So much I craved for it that I just got to... got to reach out for pen and paper. Penned it down I must. I want to remember this. I want to look back this entry and be reminded. I deserve some good dark black chocolate.

Friday, January 11, 2008

*sings* This is the way we...

...go to work together-gather.
together-gather... together-gather...


Lots of people in front of me. Obstructing my view.

That's how it should be.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sabishii... 寂しい。。。

Empty seats greet.

Late schedule meet.

Friends are asleep.

No one to beep.

It was a lonely ride to work today.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Procastinating is a bad bad thing

Do it when it needs to be done.


You'll get a broken nail.

There I was thinking I should cut my nails. Long already.
Long already.


Lazy lah. Tomorrow lah.

Pandai-pandai tomorrow...
"Tomorrow" I got a broken nail. *pif*

*goes off to cut her nails now*

Remember. Procastinating is a bad bad thing!