Thursday, August 16, 2007

ヒヤシビープ第二の念際 おめでとう。

万歳! It's Hiyashibeeps 2nd anniversary! *claps*
This is Hiyashibeeps 90th post. It's a small amount to compare.
An average of one post per week. *blushes*
Wanted to aim for ONE HUNDRED posts but couldn't make it.
Anyway, get ready as Hiyashibeeps takes you down memory lane.

Here's when you should start playing some sentimental music before continuing. *snickers*

Hiyashibeeps is in fact not Hiyashi's first bloggie. In fact, blogging for Hiyashi was not something that happened only 2 years ago. It started back in high school. *nods* Almost five years back. Back then blogging was only known within the online community. "Blogosphere" was non-existant, neither was blogspot a hype.

I got into it because of my online friends, because of SLAM DUNK by Inoue Takehiko. To think a basketball manga was what got me tech-savvy back then compared to others. LOL. It was called Vinice's Realm and believed it or not, it is still alive in the world wide web. Hmmm... more like in a coma instead since it's barely functioning. Not gonna share the url with you guys now. Hahaha... you can try google it but I've tried just to make sure you don't get it that easily. =P

Back to Hiyashibeeps shall we.

Within 2 years, Hiyashibeeps have gone through numerous make-overs. From the first blogspot template -> customised templates -> personal templates -> free templates by others -> back to this current blogspot template again

Hiyashi's Beeping Hub version 1.0
Simple, plan and a typical blogspot template. Ah... and also the very first post. It was raining ice back then, remember?

Hiyashi's Beeping Hub version 2.0
Black with a personal touch. This and the current clean-cut layout are my favourites among all others. The only set back for this layout was it went bonkers with firefox. My sucky html skills gave me the limited privileged of editing it according to what I see in I.E. only. And for a memorable post, I shall introduce you something you have always known but probably just don't realised... "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"

Hiyashi's Beeping Hub version 3.0
aka Gong Xi Fa Cai version.
Most make-overs happened this year. Mainly cause I never found one layout I like as much as version 2.0. This seasonal layout obviously last for less a month and therefore the highlight during this short period was when my favourite celebrity cook made my day.

Hiyashi's Beeping Hub version 4.0
aka Isnaini wonderful free template.
Short, sweet and simply silly. It has to be this.

Hiyashi's Beeping Hub version 5.0
aka the emergency layout!
This probably lasted as long as Gong Xi Fa Cai's version. Version 4.0 went into E.R. when the hosted picture fell ill and showed a little plaster with a cross instead. It's a relief though when you have such nice post to brighten up simple website. ^_^

And that my dear friends are bits and pieces that made the Hiyashibeeps you see today. My little achievement in life that I can proudly share with others.

Thank you for making blogging so wonderful! *bows*


Cubbie said...

HUHU!! Congratz on da 2nd anniversary and 90th post! :D

Jovin Wong said...

HUHU!! Thank you so much! :D

H@naKo said...

are u sure it's oni 2 years? hmmmm...

Jovin Wong said...

2 years only! Why you feel like very long is it? Your blog older than mine ka? No woot. Hanako no sekai is younger. >_<