Friday, December 25, 2009

My Merry Little Christmas Eve

Christmas eve, 8.05pm:
It warms the heart to be greeted by classic Christmas songs right at the gate followed by an aroma of good food as you enter the house and the scene of family members busy at the kitchen. *smiles*

Christmas eve, 8.15pm:
I saw a secret stash of Christmas pudding. Yummy!

Christmas eve, 8.50pm:
Everyone was too stuffed to even touch the pudding. Woot?
Aww... no pudding.

Christmas eve, 9.30pm:
Meh doing the dishes.

Christmas eve, 9.50pm:
Watching Lord of the Rings on TV. I felt awfully tired for some reasons. I knew I wouldn't last the night.

Chritsmas eve, 11.30pm:
All cuddled up with my pillow on the sofa and dozing off. Didn't make it to the end of the movie after all. Got kicked off the sofa by sis, asking me to head off to bed.

Christmas eve, 11.50pm:
Sitting right in front of the computer, stubbornly staying awake with a nagging headache no thanks to the 'sudden awakening' from earlier.

Christmas, 12.50am:
Wireless connection went bonkers and that's when we finally to decide to call it a night.

Merry Christmas!

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