Monday, September 21, 2009

The Great Appreciation Post. THANK YOU!

So I kind of proved that I got dorkie friends in my last two posts here and here. I think I owe some big Thank Yous to those who are less dorkie and got me "real gifts" instead. *grins*

To dearest Cubbie:

Thank You for a present that came way back in July. Talk about an obssession on being the first. You won hands down! For that, you're the first to be 'appreciated' here.

A gift delivered all the way from Taiwan to Kuala Lumpur. Then, personally delivered from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. *hearts*
I confessed! I used it a few random times way before my birthday but it officially made its debut as 'The New Bag' during Birthday Week. And yes Cubbie, it's been getting good reviews from fellow colleagues. Thumbs up!

To my dearest colleagues:
Thank You for my simple yet outrageously eye-catching Crocs.

It's RED. It's PLAID!
It's not entirely the 'safest' gift to get someone.
But I love it. Because I chose it. HAHAHA.
I Have No Shame.

To my dearest family:
Thank You for that silly tiny cake that you got simply because you thought my birthday dinner request would cost a fortune. Turned out I picked a noisy little cafe to have our dinner. Now you owe me a bigger and better cake. *grins*

To my dearest papa:

I know you read my post, and you being the one I inherited my characteristics from should know better that I'm not pissed about it at all. You got to admit, it was funny. :P

To my dearest godmom:

Thank You for the heartwarming phone call at night that you never miss each year.

To everyone else:
Thank You for spamming my facebook and filling up my sms inbox.

I Appreciate You All.

1 comment:

Cubbie said...

Hahahahahha~~~~~~! You're much welcomed! T^T *big hugs* I'm glad so glad, I knew you'd like the brown, but scared too, so had to ask you, if not, I gotta take both bags to Penang for you to choose :P

Yippee! Love the Crocs shoes! Looks good on you ~ saw it on the shelves the other day, was kinda surprised they came out with these nice patterns!