Monday, November 28, 2011

To be Simple is Simple

It all started one simple day when Yen-san came to me with a book and excitely whispered
"I have something to tell you." It was amusing to see someone being all excited yet trying hard to keep her volume down since we were at our workplace after all. 

She handed me a book and said "You guess what I want us to do..." and ran off just like
that as she made her way to another department to pass some prints. 

So I skimmed through the book and when she came back with her hopeful eyes
staring back at me, I replied "Umm... take photos?" 

 It was a close answer. 

Yen-san replied, "Well yeah... but there's more!" 

She flipped to the chapter "To be simple is simple" and there it was a photo of six pieces of clothing displayed out for the world to see and under the photo reads
"six pieces of clothing for a month's worth of wearing... try it." 

The author shared a simple yet provoking thought, "So what if we were not as fortunate enough to have a closet full of clothes in every colour? What if you are in a place with bare necessities and you are lucky even to have clothes over you?" Ever wonder these what if's? 


"Obviously we can't go for a month's worth... but let's try for a week!"
exclaimed Yen-san. 

So I guess the cause behind our little project is not as worldly and bold as the author himself but it's still going to be one heck of a memory to remember. How we fussed for an hour in picking the ultimate six pieces that's going to last us for seven days. How we are going to lose some good little brain cells thinking about the variations to these six pieces of clothing so as to not look like we are poor unfortunate souls in dire need of some donations. Indeed, it's going to be an interesting week ahead. 

And so it begins. 

Six pieces of clothing, seven days to live in them. 

Here we go! :)


H@naKo said... you wash that 6 pieces thingy?

Jovin Wong said...

Hanakobachan!!! Of course!! Except have to wash immediately the next day. >_<
I got take picture of what I wear everyday... wait I post pictures up when the project is done. :D