Saturday, June 13, 2009

One and a Half Freaking White Hair!

And this is not the first time I've been caught "aging". It's pretty depressing actually if you think about it but! BUT! Positive Thinking my friend. It's all in the mind. White Wisdom I'll call it. *roll her eyes* Yeah right.

Cik Datang: Woah, you got white hair!

Me: *groans* Oh no... not again..

Cik Datang: Eh wait, got two. I think got two... or one and a half. The other one macam not very sure.

Me: Wait wait... the hair root is on the left or right side of the head?

Cik Datang: *pokes a finger on my head* HERE!

Me: In the middle? Hahahaha... that just proved I use an equal amount of my life brain and right brain. *beams*

Cik Datang: Hahaha... I guess.


Articulate Imagination. How about that?


Cubbie said...

HAhahhahaha I imagine Cik Datang's face to be o.O;

Jovin Wong said...

To Cubbie: Nope! She's a good laughter just like you. HAAHAHA...

leechon said... u r well-rounded..haha=p

ohya...i nanged urs...can u help me nang as well?



Jovin Wong said...

To Leechon: Yaa... well-rounded in getting old. *dies* Thanks for the nang!

Anonymous said...

"That just proved I use an equal amount of my life brain and right brain"

Lol retards! XD

Jovin Wong said...

To Alice: Oi! Disrespectful. Hmmph!